
What problem it solves

Modelling the European energy system with variable spatial resolution (countries only, subcountry regions, or a mix of both) and high temporal resolution (1-hourly data covering multiple weather years). It can be used to assess questions such as the impact of increasing electrification of heat and transport on power system design or compare different possible ways to distribute infrastructure across the continent, for an increasingly renewable power system.


  • Time series data, e.g. on generation potentials, demands,
  • Capacity constraints per model location
  • Connections between model locations (e.g. electricity transmission grid)
  • Energy technology definitions such as cost and performance characteristics
  • Input data in CSV and YAML formats (human and computer readable)


  • Capacities of each technology at each location
  • Operational decisions for each technology, location and time step
  • Fixed costs, variable operational costs, levelised costs
  • Capacity factors
  • Output data in CSV (text-only) and NetCDF (high-performance binary) formats


Euro-Calliope is built with the modelling framework Calliope, which is written in Python.
